2011年5月17日 星期二

Taiwan Banquet Delicacy-Health Diet Silky﹝養生藥膳烏骨雞﹞

竹絲雞(Silky fowl),又稱絲羽烏骨雞、武山雞、烏骨雞、烏雞,家雞其中一種,是中國最著名的藥用珍禽之一,亦有人飼養作觀賞用途。牠的發源地在中國江西泰和武山北岩汪陂村,故又名­武山雞。人稱竹絲雞為「十全」:「紫冠、綠耳、白絲毛、藍纓子、鬍子、五爪、毛腳、烏皮、烏骨、烏肉」。
Black Chicken (Silky fowl), also known as Silky, Wu pheasants, fowl, black-bone chicken, one chicken, is one of the most famous medicinal rare birds, some people kept for ornamental purposes. It is the birthplace of Chinese Taihe Wang Yi Wu Mountain Village, Northern Rock, also known as Wu chicken. Black Chicken called the "Shi Quan":"purple crown, green ears, silky white and blue tassel, beard, Ipomoea, hair pin, Wu Pi, black bone, black meat. "
